A young boy Benjamin Baxter exists in a strange place somewhere between reality and his imagination, often these two worlds converge making it is nearly impossible for him to distinguish between the two. Ben is a desert kid, his days consist of chasing lizards, swim holes, treasure hunts, and all manner of mischief. Ben and his best friend Slubby a local Navajo boy often find themselves in precarious situations, not because they are seeking out trouble but rather because they are endlessly curious. Ben's overactive imagination manifests in real-time and without warning... A twisted pile of rusted metal can provoke a vision of an alien spacecraft crash-landing... A single arrowhead might land them in the middle of a Lakota buffalo hunt... A lock of course hair could lead them to find an ancient frozen creature. 

At school, Ben finds his daily assignment to keep a diary quite impossible, as he sets out to write a passage in his notebook, rough sketches from other pages of his ledger appear and hijack his thoughts. These elaborate sequences play out like stop-motion revealing peculiar corridors of his adolescent mind. In the end, we find that Ben's imagination can't be regarded as mere delusion, for there is something mysterious and important to be discovered in these wild fantasies. 

