Good Influence is a show that focuses on our collective attention spans. It examines the nature and science of what and why things go viral, and the impact that these shared experiences have on all of us. Each episode the Good Influence team will set up a social experiment, selecting content that we know has the potential to garner hundreds of thousands if not millions of views online. Once the content has been curated by the GI team we will bring in two top Viral media wizards to give us advice on how to exploit that content.

We then will launch that content out into the world through a You-Tube channel with a very limited follower base. Then we will watch to see if the video goes viral. If the videos stalls-out, then we will lean on our influencers and their industry expertise to light a fire under the content.

The show will not only be about sharing new and exciting content but will also be a hard look at who we are as humans and how to focus our collective energy to do good in the world.

EPISODE 1 - DANCE MAGIC - identity crisis


Dance sensation Poppin John joins the Good Influence team as they work together to devise a revolutionary dance routine. The idea is to create a never before seen illusion by combining dance and projection mapping. We will create a scenario (in camera) where the full color projected image of John exits his body and moves about at its own discretion. Can John reconcile his recalcitrant digital soul with his mortal tabernacle?

Act 1 The process starts with John performing a routine in front of a green-screen, the video captured must be done with precision. Once the video is wrapped John heads to the make-up chair where his face, hair, and hands are painted white. Meanwhile, the GI team is on location in downtown Salt Lake City setting up projectors for the stunt.

Act 2 - John arrives on location in a white shirt, white pants, and white shoes and walks to his mark. He stands motionless like a mime in front of the white brick wall as people gather to see what exactly is happening. The projector lamp lights up and John is suddenly in full color, his vibrant projected image perfectly masking his white silhouette.

Act 3 - Que Music: The beat drops and John begins the routine, matching every movement of his projected self. But then, his projected image starts to exhibit a mind of its own. With no physical world limitations, the digital John can float, climb up walls, or just hover calmy out of reach of his counterpart. The real John must find a way to capture his digital identity and bring it back in harmony with himself.

Moral: As we navigate our digital identities it is important to stay true to who we really are.



The SpaceCraft team has been experimenting with Vortex canons and smoke rings for over a decade now, and in this episode, we put that experience to use to create a truly unique experience. SpaceCraft team joins Pianist and YouTube sensation WILLIAM JOSEPH to craft a unique never before seen AUDIO-VISUAL EXPERIENCE.

Act 1 - Design and build a new instrument - THE VORTEX ORGAN. The Organ will consist of a series of pipes that are connected to a piano keyboard, the keys will trigger a series of notes and smoke rings. The size of the ring will be directly correlated with the octave of the note, with the Low notes producing massive rings and the high notes puffing out little delightful poofs.

Act 2 - William Joseph writes a song that best uses this instrument to bring music into the visual realm, but his playing is too fast and precise for the current build to handle, so it's back to the drawing board.

Act 3 - The SpaceCraft team works around the clock to tweak and refine the instrument, facing one problem after the other to make it work. But together they find the secret sauce to make elements collide in a grand oratorio of sound and color.

Moral: Sometimes you have to work through the dissonance to find a harmonious outcome.


Theme: Extending a hand to those in need!

We want to make History with this episode of Good Influence with the World's longest motion-picture reel!! The first motion picture was created in 1879 when a sequence of photographs of a horse running was strung together on a machine called a zoetrope. The resulting effect was met with cheers as the horse appeared to be running. In this Episode, the SpaceCraft team is on a quest to set a world record and make cinematic history with the world's longest motion-picture reel by applying hundreds of individual frames to the separate boxcars of a train.

Act 1. In light of the historical significance of the event, we have turned to storied cinema legend George Lucas. The SpaceCraft team sits down at the Skywalker Ranch library for a session with Mr. Lucas himself. Deep within the archives of his personal collection, we are shown the original zoetrope with Eadweard Muybridge's famous motion picture. With this amazing piece of history in hand, the team leans on George for inspiration on what story to tell. With only 30 seconds of run time to make cinematic history, the message and story will be essential to the overall success of the experiment.

Act 2. Under George's direction, the team sets about animating the sequence - over 450 unique frames will have to be created to pull off the stunt. Once the animation is in hand the team starts the process of wheat pasting the individual frames to the boxcars. This laborious process takes two days to complete.

Act 3. The SpaceCraft team sets up a temporary viewing gallery in a rural field in Marin County. With lights illuminating a section of track the crowd waits in anticipation for the train to arrive. Will the stunt work??? They hear a rumble in the distance, as the train advances at 40 miles an hour. Looking straight ahead we watch as the motion picture comes to life! The crowd erupts with laughter and applause!

The moral: Everyone can use a hand, remember to help the underdog.